Friday, August 14, 2015

Irigasi tetes / penyiraman otomatis


  1. Irigasi dengan Air Bag, Irigasi Mikro dan Infus Kid Irigasi

Drip irigasi menetes dengan tas air, irigasi tetes kit Sesuaikan tetesan dengan aliran air. Ukuran 15 m, kepala aliran tetesan air dapat diatur 12 buah. Produk meliputi: 20 liter tas air info lebih lengkap ada pada link berikut ini : ... 

dengan search : Drip irigasi Tetes

 Irigasi Nozel Tetes

Thursday, August 13, 2015

5 tasty drinks to overcome insomnia

5 tasty drinks to overcome insomnia

5 Minuman lezat untuk mengatasi susah tidur

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? If yes, you may be able to try this herbal drink. They will not only make you sleep more soundly, but also will make you wake up more refreshed the next morning. Well, here are six healthy drinks to overcome insomnia.

1. The mint tea

Enjoy a cup of mint tea mixed with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink this one hour before you get into bed. This drink will make you sleep more soundly.

2. chamomile tea

One hour before bed, enjoy a cup of chamomile tea to help calm your nerves and reduce stress.

3. Milk almonds

Almond milk is rich in vitamin E. This drink right after dinner. Your bed will feel more comfortable and soundly.

4. Milk Honey

Drink a glass of warm milk which has been added a tablespoon of honey one hour before bedtime. These drinks can help calm nerves and reduce stress.

5. Wedang ginger

Ginger can help maintain digestive health and make sleep even more soundly night.

Here are five delicious drinks that you can enjoy before bedtime. They will help you have a better night's sleep quality. Good luck!